How To Choose A Qualified Landscape Contractor

Planning out a landscaping project for your home is not always as simple as people may think. Often times, there are many variables that are not so obvious to the average homeowner. Whether you’re planning a complete backyard renovation to turn your backyard...

Backyard Landscaping Ideas in Oakville Ontario

Research (or just browse through photos!) Most often, you’ll have a pretty good idea about what you’re looking for in your own landscaping. However, doing some additional research, or just simply looking at other finished backyard projects can inspire you to take a...

Start Your Landscape Construction Project in the Fall

Fall landscape construction? Why would you start your landscape project in the fall? While it may seem strange to be thinking about building a pool or a complete backyard oasis in fall, it’s actually the best time to start your project. Here are the top 5...

Top 5 Things To Look for in a Snow Removal Contractor

1. Reliable & Prepared A prepared snow removal contractor will be able to handle anything from 5cm of snow up to 50cm or more. Last winter in the Oakville, Burlington and surrounding areas saw record snow falls. A reliable snow removal service will provide you...

Time to Weed, Edge and Cultivate Your Garden

It’s spring, which means it’s the perfect time to weed, edge and cultivate your gardens. While these tasks are not the most pleasant for some of us they are an essential part of keeping your gardens looking beautiful year round. If your garden is not...