Let's Landscape Together

Landscape Consultation

A professional landscape consultation is a great way for you to meet with an experienced professional who can guide you through the process of your property enhancement.

Here's an outline of our process;

Initial Discovery
  1. Homeowners & Let's Landscape Together meet to discuss current property and vision of improvements.
  2. Small investment for design phase.
Design Phase
  1. Let's Landscape Together reviews vision from Initial Discovery phase.
  2. Plan is created to fulfill homeowners vision.
  3. Materials are chosen.
  4. Investment proposal created.
Investment Presentation
  1. Homeowners & Let's Landscape Together meet to review design and investment plan.
  2. Construction timeline is agreed upon.
  3. Agreements reviewed.
  4. Agreements signed.
  5. Deposit submitted.
Pre-Project Communication
  1. Homeowners & Let's Landscape Together discuss project commencement.
  2. Equipment, materials and delivery dates/times are communicated.
Project Communication
  1. Homeowners & Let's Landscape Together agree on frequency of communication while project is under way.
  2. Proactively deal with any changes or unforseen obstacles.
Post Project Completion
  1. Homeowners & Let's Landscape Together review finished project.
  2. Final financial installment submitted.
  3. Referrals are always appreciated.
Landscape Ontario Professional MemberCertified Landscape Designer of Landscape OntarioCanadian Nursery Landscape AssociationBetter Business Bureau - A+ Rating

Request a Landscape Consultation

Book your consultation today with one of our landscaping experts. Let's get started!
Book a landscape consultation with Let's Landscape Together today!
Landscape Ontario Professional MemberCertified Landscape Designer of Landscape OntarioBetter Business Bureau - A+ Rating
Copyright 2025 Let's Landscape Together - All rights reserved.
Let's Landscape Together is a division of 1165298 Ontario Inc.